Congratulations to all the newly engaged couples out there. We hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day.
So this post is about you and your engagement story and a little about me and mine. Please use the comment area to describe how your proposal went. Here is my story:
A long time ago on a hot summer day…I had recently returned from coaching at the UCONN Women’s Basketball Camp in Storrs, CT. I had taken two of my former players with me this year to help coach and we had all visited New York together. While in New York I stopped by Tiffany’s to buy an engagement ring for my then girlfriend.
On to the next part planning the question. So I decided to make this a scavenger hunt theme. I spelled out each letter of W-I-L-L Y-O-U M-A-R-R-Y M-E and created a path around the Quad Cities to various places that meant something to our relationship. Then I wrote clues to the various locations and asked her sister to plant a couple of gifts along the way. Her sister had no clue what was the ultimate goal, she just thought it was a date thing. Oh so wrong. I sometimes wonder if she regrets her part in this? Hmmm.
So we left her house on a date, she was given a clue to the first stop and she had to figure out where we needed to go, at each point of the journey I either gave her a card, gift, picked up something for dinner (final spot we sat in a park on a swing and ate.), and so on. With each stop she also received a letter from the question. How she didn’t know what was going on I really don’t know, but after 11 years of marriage I have figured out a few things.
So hours later we are at Crow Creek Park in Bettendorf, IA and we are sitting in the swing eating a sandwich and enjoying some wine, she now has all the clues, letters, and the sun is setting over the pond. I ask her to figure out the words from the letters and she is confused at her attempts, so I got down on my knee and helped her out then showed her the ring and asked her in person. Pretty good night I would say.
OK, your turn now.